The study of Agriculture science is very important in today’s time as it plays a very pertinent role in economic ...
Category: HIT Doon Best Agriculture College in Dehradun
Himalayan Institute of Technology- HIT Doon is Best Agriculture College in Dehradun. HIT Doon offers BSc Agriculture, BSc Forestry, MSc Agronomy, MSc Soil Science, MSc Genetics & Plant Breeding.
HIT Doon is affiliated to SDSU Government University Uttarakhand. Approved by UGC, Ministry of HRD, Government of India. Agriculture Degree courses are as per ICMR guidelines.
BSc Agriculture at HITBSc Agriculture at HIT
The BSc Agriculture at HIT has earned a prestigious & a significant name among Agriculture Colleges in Dehradun, India. The ...
Why sustainable disease management require? – B.Sc AgricultureWhy sustainable disease management require? – B.Sc Agriculture
Why sustainable disease management require? – Integrated plant disease management can be defined as a decision-based process involving coordinated use ...

Why should we prefer organic farming?Why should we prefer organic farming?
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticide, ...